Updates Writing

New and upcoming publications

It’s been a busy (but very good) Fall so far.

Thanks to my insatiable urge to keep writing even when it hurts / haven’t slept / keep feeling I probably have better things I should be doing with my life, I’ve been churning out a few (halfway) decent stories that got picked up.

My horror story “Old Mamgu!” about a terrifying house and the things that live inside it (set in rural New Brunswick) was picked up by Aphotic Realm for their upcoming “Banished!” volume (slated for november 2017)

My horror flash fiction “Say My Name” which I wrote for The Haberdasher Monster Mash Slash Fiction contest was one of the three winners, and published on their website. (Along with a piece from Jocelyn Baxter – making it the second time this Fall where our pieces are appearing alongside in a horror publication – the other being in Banished!)

An older piece of sci-fi that I wrote last year and then recently work-shopped, “Out with the Old, in with the New” was picked up by Australia’s longstanding Antipodean SF. It should be appearing in issue 235 (they’re currently at 232). It will also be published in podcast format whereby this author does his best shot at narrating the tale.

My prose poetry / micro story “With Extra Toppings, Please” has also just appeared in the always wonderful Right Hand Pointing (volume 116). It’s the second micro piece they picked up, previously having taken “Mephistopheles” back in March for volume 108.

The yearly total, so far, is looking like 10 publications since Jan 2017. Wonder if I can hit that magical 12 or roughly “a story a month.” Though sleep and binge watching all the television I’ve missed both have a certain appeal at this point.

By alexander

Drinker of bad wine and writer of many things. Alexander writes fiction, manages a team of SEOs, and dabbles in food history. He also has a Doctorate in North American Religion and Culture and used to teach at Concordia University.